Short and Sweet

Normally when it is sweet we want it to last and this particular one lasts for 50 minutes. Does it qualify as short then?

You probably realise by now that I’m talking about Chessable’s Short & Sweet courses that are free and provide a short overview of an opening.

In the course of my recording for the Najdorf Sicilian I took time to record and create a Short & Sweet repertoire. I aimed to provide a sustainable overview of the opening, covering as many different lines as possible.

With the Short & Sweet Najdorf I wanted to show that by studying a relatively small number of lines you can gain confidence to try the Najdorf, without fear of not knowing theory or being busted because of it. The main difficulty lay in the selection of the most characteristic lines for each option by White. Therefore I took care to select lines that show the most typical development of the play in a nutshell.

In the video I expanded on the presented variations as much as possible. I wanted to explain with words the main ideas and concepts so that even with a concise course as the Short & Sweet you could feel confident about the Najdorf.

Since we’re talking about short and sweet, I’ll keep this short. The sweet is at the end of this text following the link.

Give it a try. It is free after all.

The Short & Sweet Najdorf is out on Chessable.

Alex Colovic
A professional player, coach and blogger. Grandmaster since 2013.
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