Goldchess Millionaire Open

The expanding site Goldchess is on its way to make history.

Chess has never been able to attract too many players in one event, but Goldchess aims to change that. For next year they plan to have a massive, world-wide tournament with unbelieavable prizes.

Their plan is also to get the national Federations involved, with serious amounts of money foreseen as stimulus for their work.

The tournament will consist of 5 consecutive games and total duration of 1.5 hours. These will be spread over 3 days in April.

Even though the final prizes are yet to be determined, it is believed that the first two prizes will be in the region of hundreds of thousands of US dollars, while the next will be in the region of tens of thousands!

The CEO of Goldchess has this to say about the upcoming tournament: “But if million participants are really registered, I can tell you that the prizes for winning the games will be a lot higher, and in the final game there will be half a million dollars at stake! Now go and practice your chess skills!”

Players may enroll for the tournament starting from 23 September 2017 until 31March 2018 on the official site.

Alex Colovic
A professional player, coach and blogger. Grandmaster since 2013.
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