Reykjavik Open 2015 – Round 1

Before the start of the first round there was a nice opening ceremony in honour of former FIDE President and World Champion candidate Fridrik Olafsson, who this year celebrated his 80th birthday and was awarded an honorary citizenship of the City of Reykjavik, an honour bestowed only 5 times before. It is amazing how he doesn’t look his age, his movements are smooth without the jerkiness that you can see in old people, his posture is straight and his face shows no signs of aging at all. Perhaps the secret is the total absence of stress in Iceland?

The other guests of honour were FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and ECU President Zurab Azmaiparashvili. Iceland was supporting Kasparov in last year’s elections and this is Ilyumzhinov’s first visit here, so perhaps the mispronunciation of both Zurab’s and Kirsan’s surnames on more than one occasion by the speaker was a result of a lack of practice.

I played with black in Round 1 and the game was rather easy, against a 1937-rated opponent, but I should have won faster. Just take a look at the position after my 19th move:

I won after 45 moves in a rook endgame. Tomorrow’s a double round, the first one starting at 10am, so it will be a long day.

Alex Colovic
A professional player, coach and blogger. Grandmaster since 2013.
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  • Mar 13,2015 at 3:51 pm

    Yeah, I noticed you didn't have any games in Chessbase! So now you have the first one against me, hope it brings you luck for the next ones! Thanks for you kind words about the blog, best wishes to you too!

  • Mar 13,2015 at 3:09 pm

    I apologize. I had messed up my scoresheet 🙂 it was so exciting fighting a GM I got it mixed up. It is my first game recorded on chessbase ever, so I could reconstruct it from there. Best wishes and excellent blog! 🙂

  • Mar 13,2015 at 11:59 am

    Well, I don't know where the comp gives 0.00 because mine doesn't, but it is true that I spoilt it a bit and gave you chances. You're completely right for the fighting until the end, you must give it your all in every game, otherwise you're not being honest with yourself. Hope you improve significantly after this tournament Kris!

  • Mar 13,2015 at 12:06 am

    And 10 moves later the computer says 0.0 … Crazy how that went down. As Jacob Aagaard and John Shaw teach in their excellent book "Grandmaster Vs Amateur". Fight untill the position is simplified to a clear win. Then give up. Instantly. That is the best way to improve. An honour playing with you sir.

  • Mar 12,2015 at 12:16 pm

    No, he played 20 Bg2 and kept his mouth shut. 🙂

  • Mar 11,2015 at 11:33 pm

    did white played 20.Kb1 and offered draw 🙂

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